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What to do if you are accused of cheating on your exam

By August 9, 2024February 28th, 2025No Comments

College students are under immense pressure to succeed, and the temptation to cheat can be overwhelming.  With the rise of online learning, cheating has become easier and more widespread than ever before. But the consequences of getting caught can be devastating.  If you’ve been accused of cheating, it’s crucial to understand your rights and the steps you need to take to protect your academic future. 

At DC Student Defense, we help college students who are accused of cheating defend themselves all the time. That’s why we’ve put together this guide for students facing cheating accusations, and what they can do to defend themselves.

Steps to take after a college cheating accusation

The most common forms of college cheating are plagiarizing work from another source via the internet, and using information from a smartphone to cheat during class. 

And because so many accusations of cheating take place in online classes, this means that any college or university accusing a student of cheating should have the IT proof to back it up

Students accused of cheating on college campuses should hire a student defense attorney – in particular, one who understands that a cheating case will look more like a computer crimes defense than a college code of conduct infraction. 

But before you hire an attorney, be sure to follow these steps to set yourself up for success:

  • Read the accusations against you carefully — more than once — and talk to your parents or other guardians in your life who can give you good advice and possibly help you pay for an attorney. 
  • Do not speak about the accusations against you to any other students on campus, even if they are your friends. 
  • Do not try to defend yourself to the professor who’s accusing you — or anyone else on campus — before you’ve spoken to your attorney.

What are the consequences for cheating in college?

Punishment for cheating on college campuses will vary: it all depends on your university’s code of conduct.

Your punishment could include one or all of the following, if you’re found guilty:

  • Verbal reprimand
  • Written reprimand
  • Failing grade for the class or assignment in which you were caught cheating
  • Loss of scholarship
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion

For more information on the consequences you can face for cheating and other disciplinary charges, check out our blog post on the subject.

What attorneys look for in college cheating cases

An experienced college defense attorney like Shan Wu will be looking for the following in an effort to disprove the college’s accusations:

  • Internet records from the school showing when you were and were not logged on to the internet, as well as internet search records showing what you were viewing while logged on. 
  • Internet records from the student showing when you accessed the internet off campus and what you were searching for when you did. 
  • Records from college-run student resource sites, like Blackboard.

Anything you can do to help collect these documents and obtain access for your attorney will go a long way toward preparing your defense.

Contact DC Student Defense today

Cheating on college campuses is a serious allegation, and students should be aware of their defense options if they find themselves in similar situations. With the right knowledge and support, you can effectively defend yourself and protect your academic future.  Remember, a cheating accusation does not define you. By understanding your rights, seeking legal counsel, and proactively gathering evidence, you can confidently face these challenges and emerge stronger on the other side.

If you find yourself facing a cheating accusation, don’t hesitate to seek help. Contact Attorney Shan Wu at DC Student Defense who can guide you through the process and advocate for your best interests. Remember, your education is worth fighting for.

DC Student Defense

Author DC Student Defense

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