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Are AI text writing programs violating academic standards?

By August 21, 2023February 28th, 2025No Comments

Technology is quickly changing the landscape of our world – sometimes at a pace so rapid that we don’t know how to keep up with it.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new, powerful tool that we are still learning to integrate into our society. There is a lot of opportunity to use AI in the workplace and in the classroom, but its rapid evolution and availability for everyday people brings new challenges as well.

The increased use of AI has led many students to wonder whether AI text writing programs violate academic standards? In this blog, our Washington D.C.-based team of student defense lawyers at D.C. Student Defense guides you through the legal side of this important debate.

What is AI?

Encyclopedia Britannica defines artificial intelligence as: “the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.”

In simpler terms, an AI is a computer system that can be programmed to complete certain tasks. It can even be programmed to learn more about certain tasks in order to improve its abilities.

In recent years, AI has become much more accessible to the average person. There are a variety of text- and image-based AI programs that anyone can access online.

AI text writing programs may be particularly intriguing to students who spend so much time writing papers, reports and other assignments for their classes.

Can AI Text Writing Programs Be Considered Academic Misconduct?

There are some AI writing programs that are so advanced they can craft a realistic piece of writing for a student to turn in for a grade. However, some universities may consider this academic misconduct.

Academic misconduct is an umbrella term that covers a variety of academic transgressions, primarily in the context of cheating. Some common examples of academic misconduct include:

  • Cheating
  • Plagiarizing
  • Theft and/or damage of intellectual property, including others’ academic materials
  • Tampering with one’s academic records, assignments and more

But where does AI text writing fall under the umbrella? Some might consider it cheating, but given its recent availability, many universities haven’t updated their academic honesty policies to reflect AI text writing yet.

Therefore, AI text writing may not technically be considered academic misconduct – yet.

What’s more, there are a wealth of online tools that can bolster a student’s writing and research abilities. Tools like spell check aren’t considered academic misconduct, so it will be interesting to see whether the line will be drawn between AI text writing and other tools we now take for granted.

What Should I Do If My University Accuses Me of Academic Misconduct After Using an AI Writing Program?

If you are a college student charged with an academic code violation, you might feel worried for your academic standing, and even for future opportunities to come after your college career.

You may also feel betrayed by the university you trusted turned against you, especially if you didn’t even realize you were doing something wrong.

But you don’t have to be alone or afraid. We here at D.C. Student Defense have five tips if you have been accused of academic misconduct for using an AI writing program:

  • Do not respond to charges without consulting a lawyer.
  • Hire a student defense lawyer.
  • Examine your school’s Code of Conduct.
  • Document the alleged incident of academic dishonesty.
  • Keep the case to yourself.

Contact D.C. Student Defense lawyer today

If you’ve been accused of academic misconduct, it’s natural not to know where to turn, or the best way to protect your future. Luckily, Shanlon Wu is a D.C. student defense attorney with vast experience handling cases like yours. He has the knowledge and skills to serve students and families in the Washington D.C. area, and even nationwide.

Contact the D.C. Student Defense team today to set up your initial consultation. Visit our page!

  • Do not respond to charges without consulting a lawyer.
  • Hire a student defense lawyer.
  • Examine your school’s Code of Conduct.
  • Document the alleged incident of academic dishonesty.
  • Keep the case to yourself.
DC Student Defense

Author DC Student Defense

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