As college students navigate the complexities of academic life, understanding the intersection of campus rules, state laws and even federal law can be tricky, especially when it comes to marijuana use. At DC Student Defense, we…
Of all the misconduct a student can be accused of on a college campus, alcohol-related infractions are among the most serious. Why? Because college students can face consequences not only through the criminal justice system but…
Academic proceedings can be complex and often intimidating, especially in the face of serious cheating allegations like unauthorized collaboration. If you have been accused of unauthorized collaboration, the student defense attorneys at DC Student Defense, led…
In recent months, students and families across the country have felt the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision to end affirmative action in college admissions. This ruling has reshaped how elite colleges approach admissions, particularly regarding…
Academic misconduct encompasses a wide range of academic violations, most often related to cheating. Such actions create an unfair academic advantage for oneself and/or a disadvantage for other students. Our team of student defense attorneys, led…
Your college years are an exciting time but can be one met with adversity, especially for students who identify as transgender or nonbinary. Unfortunately, discrimination based on gender identity still occurs in schools across the country….
Navigating higher education as a student with disabilities can present unique challenges. From accessing classrooms to facing unfair treatment, students with disabilities often encounter obstacles that affect their educational experience. Title IX is a federal law…
Navigating college can be a rewarding yet challenging experience, especially when facing the potential of discrimination based on your sexual orientation. In an ideal world, educational institutions would offer safe spaces for all students, regardless of…
There is a common misconception that Title IX strictly applies to an individual’s sex. In reality, Title IX is also applicable to those with disabilities. In fact, many argue that Title IX affects those with disabilities…