Almost every educational institution has its own email handle for faculty and students. It has become a common trademark and tool of the modern education system. This allows extremely interconnected systems to communicate and collaborate “in-house”….
As the summer begins, so too begins the transition for children becoming young adults with their leaving for college. For many families it is the last time period their children will ever live “at home”. So,…
Coming from a sea town just north of Boston, it is fair to say we have an overwhelming amount of sailors, seamen and general oceanic folk. There’s a metaphor I was taught in grade school about…
It’s often hard to know when you might need a lawyer. People use the terms “charges,” “lawsuits” “prosecutions” and “complaints” carelessly and, sometimes, interchangeably. Most typically students and their families don’t know if being called before…
“And now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here.” While Author Neil Gaiman’s advice to graduates is valid, it…
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) recently announced that they would reconsider downgrading the scheduling of marijuana, which is currently a Schedule I drug- the highest level of control. Under the Controlled Substances Act, Schedule I substances…