Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, students and professors have all had to adapt to online teaching and learning. Among the many challenges that this adjustment has presented is the increased specter of online cheating. As the...
Being accused or convicted of a criminal offense can have far-reaching repercussions not only in your private life but in your education as well. Even when you’ve not been accused or convicted of a crime, the...
College can be a time of freedom and exploration for young people. However, there is also a long-ignored culture of sexual discrimination and harassment that affects many campuses around the country -- and, unfortunately, sometimes a...
The COVID-19 epidemic has thrown everyone’s holiday plans into question, and universities are no exception. Schools are revising their usual policies regarding winter break in effort to accommodate the unique situation that many students face. As...
Gone are the times where sexual harassment was limited to face to face confrontations. With the advent of technology and various social media platforms, sexual harassment can be between people that are miles apart. Online sexual...
College admissions are getting more and more competitive as the years go by. It’s no surprise that the pressure to lie and cheat on college applications has intensified as well. Imagine applying for an elite school...
The pressure of getting into your dream college or graduate school can be severe. When filling out your application, you might start to think about stretching the truth a little bit. The truth is, you wouldn't...
Many university students who feel their school has failed to properly educate them or has mistreated them want to sue their university. These lawsuits tend to be based on three things; breach of contract, negligence, or...
Online learning has become all the rage recently. Although the style of online classes is different from that of the traditional classroom, some of its practices have found their way into the online world. And not...
COVID-19 has changed the entire world in more ways than one. For college students this year, one of the biggest impacts of the pandemic will be regarding school policies, including those pertaining to Greek life and...
As colleges and universities resume this fall, some students are viewing their schools’ COVID-19 safety measures as guidelines instead of rules. Large gatherings and partying commenced on many college campuses the day students moved back in....
Getting charged with an honor code violation is any student's nightmare. But once you've graduated, any fear of an honor code violation accusation should be well laid to rest, right? Not quite. You can still be...
Students have always used study groups to study and learn materials. In this digital age, though, students can participate in study groups without leaving the comfort of their rooms. They no longer have to meet up...
Imagine waking up one morning to find that you have become the object of a social media campaign to get you kicked off your sports team, expelled from school or demanding that your admission offer to...
Who would have thought in the fall of 2019, when we were all waiting with bated breath for U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to issue the Title IX regulations for campus sexual assault that the...