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College Student DefenseTitle IX

How to find the right Title IX defense attorney for your case

By February 3, 2016February 14th, 2025No Comments

Why would I need a Title IX defense attorney?

Under Title IX, you are protected from sex-based discrimination in education. This applies to all students, staff, and faculty, regardless of sex or gender identity. If you experience sex-based discrimination and feel that your school is not taking immediate and appropriate action to find a resolution, you are entitled to file a formal complaint with the U.S. Department of Education or to initiate a Title IX lawsuit against the school.

What should I look for in a Title IX attorney?

Title IX lawsuits are a niche- not every attorney has the experience or knowledge to properly represent you. The attorney that represents you in a Title IX lawsuit should have previous experience working with such cases; a knowledge of the law and of university policies. At each step, the attorney should exercise due diligence in ensuring that the process is moving forward in an appropriate manner. An effective attorney will have worked with and built a rapport with schools. It would be beneficial for you to obtain an attorney who has worked with your particular school, as he or she will therefore know how the policies are effectuated.

Title IX rights are Civil Rights
There are many resources, such as Public Justice and the National Women’s Law Center, that can help you find a Title IX attorney in your area, as well as locate pro bono legal assistance. If your school is not protecting you, there is an attorney out there who will help you defend your right to a campus and education free of discrimination.

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DC Student Defense

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