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College Student Defense

Do I Need a Lawyer if My College Student Is Accused of a Crime?

By August 12, 2024February 28th, 2025No Comments

College is a time of freedom and independence for many students. However, with that independence comes an increased potential to run up against the law. In some cases, if your college student has a run in with the law, the student’s university will pursue separate disciplinary charges in addition to the legal charges.

If your university student has been accused of a crime, you might not be sure what to do next.  That’s understandablebeing arrested or charged with a crime is a scary experience for everyone. For this reason, we recommend hiring a student defense attorney to help guide you through this process. In this blog, we break down some of the common charges students face and explain the general process so you and your family can navigate the legalities with confidence.

Led by former federal prosecutor Shannon Wu, our team defends university students against both criminal charges and university disciplinary actions. At DC Student Defense, we are here to support you and your student, offering compassionate guidance and reliable legal assistance during this challenging time.

Common Types of Crimes Committed by College Students

As a parent of a college student, you may worry about the potential for your child to get involved in criminal activity. One mistake can lead to an arrest, expulsion from school, and derail all their plans and hard work.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), in 2020, when many colleges shifted to online or hybrid education due to the coronavirus pandemic, there were 21,200 reported criminal incidents on campuses. The types of on-campus crimes reported included:

  • 9,400 forcible sex offenses (44% of reported on-campus crimes)
  • 6,800 burglaries (32% of reported on-campus crimes)
  • 2,500 motor vehicle thefts (12% of reported on-campus crimes)
  • 1,500 aggravated assaults (7% of reported on-campus crimes)
  • 500 robberies (2% of reported on-campus crimes)
  • 400 arson incidents (2% of reported on-campus crimes)

Understanding the common types of criminal activities that college students often engage in can be helpful. If your student ever faces arrest or any type of accusation, you can begin exploring your legal options, which may vary depending on the case. Stay informed and be prepared to seek legal assistance from a student defense attorney if needed. 

University Discipline vs. Criminal Arrests

Just because your student has been arrested and charged with a crime doesn’t necessarily mean they will also face charges at their school.

The school will likely find out one way or another, as many schools have agreements with local law enforcement to notify them if one of their students is arrested.

However, whether the university pursues disciplinary charges depends on the individual school’s policies.

Another uncertain variable is what the consequences will be if the university decides to impose disciplinary actions on your student. This will likely depend on the severity of the crime, but disciplinary charges could potentially threaten a number of your student’s university privileges, such as:

  • Academic Standing
  • Student Housing
  • Financial Aid
  • Scholarships
  • Enrollment

These charges could even affect your child’s future employment. Hence, the importance of working alongside a seasoned attorney.

A student defense attorney can do the following: 

  • Help you navigate the bail process
  • Prepare your student for their court dates
  • Mount a defense for your student’s case
  • Negotiate a plea bargain to have your student’s sentence reduced

In the best-case scenario, they can even get your student’s charges dropped (or get them acquitted if their case goes to trial).

However, for many college students, criminal defense is only the first step. You may also need to defend your student’s academic future against the university’s disciplinary charges, which is why it is recommended to hire student defense attorneys who have worked on similar cases in the past and can help your child with every step of the process.

How a Student Defense Attorney Can Help

University disciplinary hearings are very different from criminal court cases. Your student isn’t in any legal trouble with their university since the school administration doesn’t have the power to fine them or put them in prison.

However, the consequences can still be very serious, and it’s important that your student’s rights are protected throughout the disciplinary process. Here are ways on how our DC Student Defense attorneys can help:

  1. Experience Navigating the Process: Our student defense attorneys have experience navigating this process that a criminal defense attorney likely won’t.
  2. Review University Materials: Our student defense attorneys can help you and your student go over the university’s materials.
  3. Prepare Documentation: We can assist in preparing any necessary documentation or statements.
  4. Protect Against Self-Incrimination: Our student defense attorneys can prevent your student from saying or doing something incriminating.

We know how university administrators think, so we can help ensure that your student isn’t being treated unfairly. At DC Student Defense, we are committed to working tirelessly to secure the best outcome for your student when all is said and done.

Contact Our Student Defense Attorneys Today

If your college student has been charged with a crime and their university is bringing up parallel disciplinary charges, DC Student Defense can guide your child through the process and help protect their academic future. Contact us today at 855-965-3253 to schedule your initial consultation.

DC Student Defense

Author DC Student Defense

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