The DC City Council’s efforts to decriminalize marijuana opens a Pandora’s box for schools and universities who will need to reconcile their student conduct codes. [1] Or not.
So which college or university will pioneer the de-sanctioning of marijuana use on their campus and instantly assume the mantle of “Stoner U”? Answer: None of them.
Decriminalization will affect the extremely narrow group of students who otherwise might have been arrested and charged with marijuana possession. Those students will have the comfort of knowing that they will not have a criminal record and will not face the threat of jail.
It won’t give a free pass for running afoul of school substance abuse codes.
It won’t void federal criminal laws prohibiting interstate transport of drugs. By the way, how many students know students who buy their marijuana at home and then bring it back to school thereby breaking federal law?
It won’t eliminate the dangers of purchasing marijuana on the streets –like robbery, assault, and weed cut with unknown agents.
It won’t eliminate the civil record that employers may consider in whether to hire a student and it certainly won’t eliminate the fact that security clearances regularly consider whether an applicant uses marijuana.
Today criminal and school sanctions for marijuana expose students to a complex set of threats to their present school status as well as their future careers. Decriminalization does nothing to eliminate those risks. Contact us or Visit our page!