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Your Simplified Guide to Navigating College Disciplinary Proceedings

Presented by DC Student Defense

Why You Need a Student Defense Lawyer

College disciplinary proceedings can be tough and the outcomes can have a significant impact on your future. It’s important to understand what you’re up against and how to best defend yourself.

While the specific procedures might be a bit different depending on your school’s rules and the accusations against you, this guide, made by our student defense attorneys, gives you an overview of the typical process, highlights your rights, and explains why having a lawyer can help you understand your rights, build a strong defense, and protect your future.

Types of College Violations You May Be Charged With

  • Academic Violations: Plagiarism, cheating, etc.
  • Conduct Violations: Unsafe behavior, harassment, drugs, alcohol, etc.
  • Sexual Misconduct Violations: Sexual harassment, assault, etc.

What the Process Typically Looks Like

First things first, you will probably get an email or phone call from your school’s administration letting you know of any charges brought against you. For more serious offenses, you may also be contacted by local or campus police.

What to Do If You're Charged

  1. Find the Handbook: Find your college’s student conduct code. Make sure you have the version that was in effect when the alleged incident occurred.
  2. Understand the Charges: Know exactly what you’re accused of and the possible penalties (including whether the disciplinary charge being brought against you can also be considered a criminal charge)
  3. Know the Process: Your school’s conduct code should outline the steps involved with disciplinary proceedings, including general timelines and your rights.
  4. Get an Advisor: Even if not required, now is a good time to reach out to a trusted advisor, preferably a lawyer experienced in handling student defense cases, who can give you advice on the best path forward.

Don't Go It Alone

At DC Student Defense, we know that navigating these processes can be stressful and confusing. That’s why we’re here to help. Our team of experienced attorneys has a deep understanding of student conduct codes, Title IX regulations, and the academic and legal complexities of college disciplinary actions.

Contact us or give us a call at (202) 860-3082 to schedule your consultation.

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