Alcohol Offenses
What are the most common student conduct code violations or crimes involving alcohol?
Underage drinking is the most common violation for college students as 21 is the federal drinking age. Other common alcohol related charges college…
Computer Crimes
What constitutes Computer Crimes?
Although a computer today can be used in several types of alleged crimes, typical investigations and crimes associated with computers include possession of types of pornography (child and adult pornography), cyber-stalking and piracy…
Residential Conduct / Community standards
What are the basics of residential conduct and residential community standards?
If you live in college or university housing, such as a dorm or university-owned or rented apartment, it is likely you signed a housing agreement obligating you to conduct…
Sexual Assault and Rape
I’ve been accused or charged with sexual assault, what do I do?
You need a lawyer experienced with student conduct codes, Title IX regulations, as well as criminal defense to represent you if you have been charged with sexual assault either by your college/university and/or criminally charged…
What is the definition of criminal theft? What can happen to me if I am charged with criminal theft?
Theft is defined as wrongfully using or obtaining someone else’s property with the intent to deprive the other person of this property or to use the property as one’s own…