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What are my university or college’s definition of falsification or fabrication?

Typically, universities and colleges define falsification and fabrication as the use, or creation of false information, both in academic and disciplinary situations. In an academic setting, making up data, information, or a citation for a research paper, exam, or other academic exercise and submitting said information as fact is considered falsification or fabrication. Lying or falsifying information or testimony during a college disciplinary hearing is also considered fabrication. It can expand to intentionally falsifying reports, warnings, or threat of other emergencies such as fire or explosion. Forgery, alteration, or unauthorized use of University documents, records, ID cards and misuse of computer facilities and university mailing systems can also be charged as a violation of your college or university’s code of conduct as related to falsification or fabrication.

What are my university or college’s consequences for fabrication?

Similar to plagiarism violations, falsification or fabrication in an academic setting is considered academic dishonesty, and therefore violates the student code of conduct at your college or university and is accompanied by the same sanctions as cheating. Minimum sanctions for falsification in general typically include suspension and loss of housing. Student disciplinary proceedings for falsification or fabrication may also result in probation or expulsion for more severe circumstances.

What should I do if I am accused of falsification or fabrication?

Since this cover a wide spectrum of violations, it is important to seek out a defense attorney who is experienced in handing college or university disciplinary hearings to ensure your rights are protected and your education receives as little interruption as possible.

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